CySecurity Darwis

Welcome to CySecurity APT Cloudscan

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About Us

CySecurity Darwis is an UK based cyber security company which owns APT Cloud Scan and Web Search, Data breach and Dark web Monitoring. The dedicated SaaS solution is running effectively in hundreds of BFSI/corporates in multiple countries. CySecurity Darwis has two unique cloud SaaS products that help CISOs of organisations to ensure the safety of their infrastructure.


CySecurity APT Cloudscan

Vulnerability Monitoring


Security Scan of Web portals & IP addresses and Protect customers/clients, employees, suppliers and distributors.

Fake Mobile App Monitoring

Finds Fake Mobile Apps using AI/ML, reports to the customer, and send Notice to app stores for removal.

Surface Area Monitoring

Anti phish, Anti Malware Monitoring & Automated daily scan and report generation plus monitoring of logo misuse.

CySecurity Websearch Databreach Darkweb(WDD)

Negative News Monitoring

Extensive web search to hunt for negative/malicious comments and the results sent to the clients for further action.

Data Breach

The modules searches around a billion records of data breach database. Finds email ids of client that may have been compromised.

Darkweb Monitoring

(specific TLP red)

Search of multiple darkweb site/forums for compromised sensitive data information - searches over 5000 darkweb market places.


Contact - United Kingdom


CySecurity Darwis Ltd
128, City Road,
London, EC1V 2NX,
United Kingdom

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